The UK’s largest schoolwear and sportswear supplier, Banner, is set to donate 3,000 new garments to displaced victims of the Ukraine war. Banner’s seven pallets of garments will be sent from its Trowbridge warehouse. They will then be distributed by Goods For Good, a UK-based charity working in crisis emergency response, supporting those on the front line. The donation will be sent to the charity’s distribution centre, and onwards to humanitarian hubs on the Polish border with Ukraine.
As well as its donation via Goods For Good, colleagues at Banner have been working together to gather essential food, hygiene and medical items for the Ukraine Appeal since the crisis broke out in February 2022.
The first donation to the appeal included vast amounts of nappies, first aid products, warm clothing and food, received by volunteers who were overwhelmed with the response. A donation was also made to the British Red Cross, supporting those helping victims in Ukraine.
Commenting is Howard Wilder, sales director at Banner.
“We are delighted to be in a position where Banner can help, specifically by way of donating several thousand new garments to help the refugees displaced by the terrible and unnecessary war in Ukraine.”
Goods For Good transports goods to communities in desperate need across the globe. The charity’s efforts in Ukraine mainly involve the supply of warm clothing and hygiene products to displaced families. Goods For Good also works with registered charities on the front line, which make sure the goods are distributed equitably among those in need.
Banner Ltd is a UK-based schoolwear and sportswear supplier offering a broad range of products to independent schoolwear retailers across the country. The company’s involvement with charity fundraising is driven by colleagues and its ‘in it together’ attitude.
For further information about Goods For Good, please click here. Alternatively, click here to visit Banner’s website.