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Girl and boy sat at a desk both wearing school uniform

Schools across the UK are being encouraged to start a conversation on climate change with their students ahead of the UK hosting global climate summit COP26 later this year, as the Together for Our Planet Schools Pack launches.

The pack, which is hosted on the COP26 website and sent to UK schools, will engage students on climate action; encouraging conversations about tackling climate change and helping students learn more about the COP26 summit in Glasgow this year. This includes a guide for running a green assembly along with ideas like a ‘walk to school’ week. There are also resources by the likes of WWF and TED Talks to support schools.

As part of the pack, there will be content on identifying the UK’s future student climate leaders; highlighting remarkable young people who are already contributing to climate action in many ways. For instance, through recycling, eating seasonal foods, and walking to school. The actions that schools and pupils are taking across the country will help inspire others to follow their lead.

The education pack encourages student climate leaders to come forward as an inspiration to others

On the launch of the pack, the COP26 President-Designate, Alok Sharma says; “The role of young people in tackling climate change, one of the greatest challenges of our generation, will be crucial. I am delighted to see this school pack being launched, which will be made available right across the UK, so that pupils can bring discussion and debate on the environment directly to their classrooms. It will be exciting to see young people engage on this pressing issue ahead of COP26.”

Also commenting is Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson. “When I visit schools around the country, something I’m always struck by is how engaged in environmental issues young people are. Tackling climate change requires action from each of us on an individual and collective basis. This pack helps schools encourage both those things. I’m excited to see how schools’ climate leaders bring their passion, creativity and intelligence to help us secure a sustainable future.

The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1–12 November 2021.

Matt Larsen-Daw, Education Manager, WWF-UK, adds; “I’m delighted to be involved in the launch of Together for Our Planet Schools Pack and to have been part of its development. Young people have the biggest stake in the outcomes of the UN COP in November. It is vital that they are informed and engaged as this pivotal milestone in the fight against climate change takes place on their doorstep, here in the UK. This pack can help educators bring COP and the issues it seeks to address to life for their students and the whole school community.”

Matt Hipperson, Head Teacher at St Luke’s CEVA Primary School, says; “The issue of climate change is probably the most important problem of our age. It is destroying opportunities for large areas of our planet to prosper and live sustainably. Our most important resource in the struggle against the impact of climate change is our young people who have the bravery to make the changes needed to give the world hope for a sustainable future. This resource will help our children access trustworthy information, organise their thoughts and work towards the solutions that our planet is crying out for.

For further information and to access the Together for Our Planet Schools Pack, please click here.

Image credit – photo created by pressfoto



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