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Vistors speaking to exhibitors on a stand at Kind + Jugend trade fair

This year’s Kind + Jugend trade fair on 3-5 September drew in 912 exhibitors from 43 countries and around 15,000 trade visitors from 115 countries.

The Innovation Award and additional Midwives’ Choice award, alongside a dedicated special exhibition and wide-ranging lecture programme, provided visitors with a compact overview of new developments, future trends and innovations from both industry and retail.


Children's jackets hung up on a rail with wellington boots stood on top of the shelf


“The vibrant atmosphere in the exhibition halls and favourable feedback from our customers underscore the event’s strong performance.” Says Oliver Frese, CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH. “Once again, Kind + Jugend has demonstrated that it is indispensable as a business and innovation platform for the global industry.”

This year’s Kind + Jugend also featured top trends, such as multifunctional products, solutions that simplify daily life, products that grow with a child, ergonomic designs and smart technology aimed at enhancing child safety. Sustainability continued to be a key focus, with a growing number of products using recycled materials, with some manufacturers also offering recycling and upcycling programmes.


Vistors speaking to exhibitors on a stand at Kind + Jugend trade fair


New and enhanced formats

This year’s Kind + Jugend combined established formats like the Start-up Area and Young Innovators area with new concepts, which were well received on all three days of the trade fair. For instance, the event premiered the Novelties Trail with an overview of the year’s most exciting new products as well as a new Networking Zone, which offered more opportunities for personal exchange and conducting business.


Visitors outside the entrance to Kind + Jugend trade fair


Contributing to the overall success of the event was the decision to hold the trade fair during the week, from Tuesday to Thursday, which was met with positive feedback from both exhibitors and trade visitors. In addition, the trade fair supported social projects by donating 100 products to charity in partnership with Diakonie Michaelshoven in celebration of Koelnmesse’s 100th anniversary.

Kind + Jugend will return on 9-11 September 2025. For further information, please click here.

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