Matthew Easter and Mark Stevenson, co-chairs of The Schoolwear Association, highlight the strengths of the industry in these difficult times.
“As an industry, and particularly those who are Schoolwear Association members, we feel there is a unique dynamic in the way we operate. Whether in the form of putting time and effort into campaigns that are being undertaken and events that need organising. Or donating funds to help support the efforts of the wider Schoolwear Association. Individuals and competing businesses come together not in self-interest, but for the benefit of everyone involved in schoolwear.
“This mentality and commitment are exactly why we believe that as an Association – and an industry – we are in a good position to weather the current storm. It will be testing. There will be tough times. But if we band together and look out for each other we will all have the ability to come out of this stronger on the other side.
“Whether you are a schoolwear retailer or supplier, we need trust and transparency to help each other. As an industry, we are in the best position possible to get moving again when the Covid-19 crisis has dispersed. Now is not the time for profiteering or seeking that competitive advantage; we need to act as one.
“Protecting the health and safety of staff is of course paramount. Following government advice is also critical at this time. However, we are seeing some incredibly inspiring stories of businesses coming together and supporting each other and their local communities.”
“Historically, The Schoolwear Association has been a great forum to bring the industry together; to develop ideas and initiatives that benefit families, business and communities alike. That is needed now more than ever. We want to hear what the industry is doing during this crisis and provide whatever support is possible.
“We don’t claim to have all the answers or know how this crisis will unfold. Nor do we know what the long-term impact will be on the schoolwear industry. However, speaking to each other, trusting in long-forged business relationships and working in the best interest of everyone will be vital if we want to survive and thrive in the coming months and years.”
Click here for further information on The Schoolwear Association and to enquire about membership.