SGS presents complimentary webinar – Fibre Fragmentation in the Fashion and Textile Industry

SGS, the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company, invites quality and regulatory compliance professionals to a webinar – ‘Fibre Fragmentation in the Fashion and Textile Industry’ – on June 16 2022.
The unintentional release of microplastics from textiles and the associated pollution of the natural environment is an issue being addressed by manufacturers, retailers, non-governmental organisations and regulatory authorities. It is also high on the agenda for the modern consumer, who wishes to purchase clothing products that are more sustainable and better for the environment.
The fashion and textile industry has a huge environmental impact and therefore has a major role to play in fostering sustainability and environmental awareness.
In this one-hour webinar, SGS expert Steve McDonald, Global Technical Manager, will discuss the major concerns, present an update on regulations and the Microfibre Consortium 2030 Commitment, and conclude with SGS’s services to help quality and regulatory professionals address this issue.
Sign up here to reserve your place. Alternatively, for further information on SGS, please click here.