On 26 September, testing, inspection and certification company, SGS, will prepare toy manufacturers for the EU toy standards update via a complimentary webinar titled ‘Is Your Business Ready for the EU’s Revised Toy Standards?’
The EU introduced Standardization Requests to define work programmes for setting topics and requests for standards revision. Discussions on toy standards were prolonged, with an agreement finally reached between the EU Commission and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Due to the delays, there is now a tight timescale for the revisions, with the deadline for changes to all EU toy standards being set for 25 October 2025.
In this live webinar, the background to the Toy Standardization Request will be explored as well as the timescale revisions. Details of the proposed changes to EN 71 and EN 62115 will be covered. The requirements for toys intended for use by children under 36 months, or other toys intended to be placed in the mouth included in EN 71 Parts 15 and 19, will also be discussed.
Expert presenters will cover the physical/mechanical safety changes, as well as flammability, chemical, electrical and microbiological safety standards. SGS solutions for preparing businesses for the changes will also be offered.
To register for the seminar, please click here.