Jex is the creative brainchild of Suffolk entrepreneur, Emily Vigor. Now in its third year of trading, having successfully launched a range of colour-in trainers, Jex is introducing a new eco bag for kids.
Jex focuses on giving kids the opportunity to let their creativity shine. It therefore makes colour-in trainers and eco back packs for kids to be unique. All of the brand’s products are high quality; the trainers are built for comfort but also to endure rough and tumble. Equally, the bags might look and feel like brown paper, but they are strong and built to last.
Commenting on the brand, Emily Vigor says; “The unique gifts from Jex are not solely focussed on ‘educating’ children in the traditional sense. If this year has taught us anything, it is that education comes in all forms, not just classroom-based.
“Jex is about encouraging kids – and adults along the way, if we can – that it is ok to be our own kind of unique and express ourselves in whatever way we want. There are no boundaries or labels.”
Vigor explains her decision to develop the brand with the latest environmentally friendly product range.
“The world is changing and we need to adapt,” she says. “Younger generations – our kids – are so eco-conscious and aware of the environment that surrounds them and the impact they have on it.
“As adults and businesses, we need to follow their lead; to give them options to still be creative but with the least amount of impact on the world they will inherit. I have no doubt that even as a small company, there is more we can do to support this – and this is our first step in doing that.”
The new colour-in eco bags are available directly from the Jex website and via its key partners; Not on the High Street and Joules. The brand is also talking to several potential stockists.
For further information on Jex, please click here. For trade enquiries contact emily@jexshoes.com.