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Christmas Appeal gift wrapped present

Wood Street Mission, the children’s charity helping children and families living on a low income in Manchester and Salford, has launched its 2019 Christmas Appeal.

At Christmas, parents and carers can visit the charity’s free ‘Christmas Shop’ at Wood Street, Manchester, where the charity provides toys and gifts for children age 0 to 14 years.

Wood Street Mission has provided toys for local children at Christmas since the charity began in 1869.

Every year it collects thousands of toys and treats to distribute to families in need across Manchester and Salford. Thanks to its supporters, last Christmas Wood Street Mission provided toys and gifts for nearly 4,000 children from Manchester and Salford.

It is now accepting new toys, gifts and books for children age 0 to 14 years old. Donations can be taken to Wood Street in Manchester from Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 4.30pm. To arrange for items to be collected, contact collections@woodstreetmission.org.uk.

Wood Street Mission also promotes engagement in education by helping families with the costs of going to school through SmartStart.

This year marks the 5th year of SmartStart, Wood Street Mission’s free school uniform programme. The initiative offers families a practical support package including school uniform, sportswear, winter coats and other accessories.

The SmartStart project has already helped 3,191 children with school uniform and Back to School kit this year. The charity also works with older children who now have to stay in education or training until they are 17. Instead of school uniform, it provides them with books, workwear and equipment.

For further information on Wood Street Mission and the 2019 Christmas Appeal, please click here.



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