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piles of bibs mealtime bowls in soft autumn colours

BIBS, the Danish baby and children’s brand best known for its pacifiers, has launched the Mealtime Collection. Designed to encourage self-feeding and culinary exploration in babies and toddlers, the collection also aims to enhance the social benefits of eating together.

The BIBS Mealtime Collection comprises different products that can be mixed and matched. Everything is made from 100% safe, food-grade material, which is free from BPA, PVC and phthalates. Available in a choice of five colours, the collection is also practical, easy to clean and stackable.


baby drinking from bibs mealtime cup


BIBS designs and produces all its products exclusively in Denmark

Product highlights include the Dinner Plate Set, consisting of a flat plate and a bowl with a complementary lid that doubles up as a non-slip base for the bowl. The Cup Set also comes with complementary lids.


bibs mealtime cuttlery in soft autmn colours


The collection’s Dinner Bib, meanwhile, is robust and resistant to oil, grease and food colours. It has a practical collection pocket at the front and is designed for the child’s anatomy.

For further information, please click here.



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