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School girl in pink gingham dress

As we face more stringent lockdown measures, Start-Rite Shoes and The Daily Mile are calling for parents to start a routine of 15 minutes cardio exercise as a family, at least three times a week, to help keep their children fit and active while away from school.

The #Find15 campaign is part of a new partnership between Start-Rite Shoes and The Daily Mile supported by INEOS. It aims to improve children’s health, personal well-being and fitness while at home.

9 in 10 primary school-aged children are not meeting their exercise needs.

New scientific research shows a decrease in children’s fitness and an increase in body mass index following school holidays. It also raises concerns over the lack of information available to parents around children’s activity requirements.

The report found less than 10% of primary aged children (5+ years) are meeting the Government guidelines of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day for the required amount of time and at the required intensity where heart rate reserve increases by 60%.

The scientific report reveals children gain weight when away from school.

It also suggests parents should not assume organised team sports provide sufficient levels of physical activity. Only 25% of the time spent doing these sports is at the cardio level needed to strengthen muscle and bone. This is key to healthy ageing.

The extensive literature review of scientific research undertaken by the Cambridge Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University comes as 25% of primary aged children are found to be obese.

It identifies the type and level of physical activity necessary by children’s age and stage of development. Plus, guidance on how to get the most benefit from 15 minutes of exercise. To enhance The Daily Mile’s impact in schools across the world, the findings will be shared with guardians, parents, teachers and children.

Commenting is founder of The Daily Mile, Elaine Wyllie MBE.

“For complex reasons, it can be hard for children to do enough physical activity at home. #Find15 makes it easy for parents to get their children active because it’s quick, everyone can do it and it’s completely free. Families will enjoy spending time together outdoors in the fresh air and at the same time improving their physical and mental health.”

The report, which represents Start-Rite Shoes and The Daily Mile Foundation’s shared interest in providing parents with research-backed advice, also found that interventions to increase physical activity that involved other family members are more likely to be successful. A previous proprietary report from Start-Rite found 65% of primary aged children would like to exercise with their parents or carers.

#Find15 call for parents to keep children active during lockdown.

Kate Tansley, Start-Rite CEO, adds, “We are excited to be partnering with The Daily Mile, which is an established authority on the benefits of childhood exercise. We know that children who are physically active reap mental health benefits, have been shown to be fitter, and carry the benefits of physical activity into later life.

“Previous research told us how much children love to exercise with their parents or carers, so we hope this campaign will encourage more families to enjoy 15 minutes of fast-paced physical activity on a daily basis together.”

About the campaign

#Find15 encourages all families to incorporate 15 minutes of self-paced physical activity (walking, jogging or running) into daily life. By focusing on a 15-minute duration rather than on the distance, it keeps the activity non-competitive, social and inclusive; everyone can take part at their own pace regardless of age, ability or personal circumstance. Join the campaign on social media using #Find15.


pupils walking along red path in school yard


How to #Find15 with Start-Rite and The Daily Mile:

To take part families should:

  • Head outside into the fresh air and aim to walk at a quick pace for approximately 15 minutes.
  • During these 15 minutes, undertake activities that will continually increase your heart rate reserve by 60%. This will include a brisk walk, jog or run.

Tips for getting the most out of your 15 minutes:

  • Aim to feel out of breath for most of the time and to feel your heart beating faster than usual.
  • On day one, decide on an activity or destination. Keep a record of how fast or how long you managed to do it. Do the same for three days and watch your results improve.
  • Set a timer on your phone. This will help little ones to stay motivated as they see the stopwatch ticking away.

Why #Find15 with Start-Rite Shoes and The Daily Mile:

  • 11,590+ schools across 79 countries are signed up to take part in The Daily Mile and witness the benefits to their pupils.
  • The Daily Mile helps children be more active and less sedentary and significantly increases their fitness levels. The Daily Mile improves children’s body composition by reducing body fat. It also has a positive impact on body mass index in girls.
  • Children report feeling happier, more awake, calmer and have better self-esteem after doing The Daily Mile and it improves attitudes towards physical activity.
  • The Daily Mile increases children’s alertness and can help increase verbal memory. These skills enhance children’s ability to learn. The Daily Mile also helps children’s attention, focus and concentration in class. Plus, its social nature supports children to work better together.

Read more about the partnership and background to The Daily Mile here and here. Information and research on the benefits of The Daily Mile activity on children’s health is available here.



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