B Corp footwear brand Vivobarefoot has created a Back to School initiative for toddlers, pre-school, school and junior feet, to drive natural movement and development in schools.
The new initiative was inspired by a study published in the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity that revealed a marked increase in sedentary time, with children spending 25 minutes longer being sedentary per day than previously during the week. It also highlighted that movement during the school day is crucial for children’s physical and mental health, as well as academic performance and behaviour.
Through the campaign, Vivobarefoot is highlighting the importance of movement on school days and why barefoot footwear for school is key, allowing children to move outside of PE classes with shoes that aren’t restrictive.
Commenting on the campaign is Functional Podiatrist, Rina Harris.
“Barefoot school shoes like Vivobarefoot allow space for growing feet and toes to move and develop naturally, as nature intended. Kids’ feet grow and develop until their teenage years, so it is very important to protect their foot shape and function to continue to build resilient feet, good biomechanics and a strong skeleton.
“Barefoot shoes have a flat, thin, flexible sole and these features improve sensory stimulation, which is how kids learn about their environment and what helps them build their motor output, balance and coordination. Our kids spend a lot of time in school, around 35 hours, so it’s important their shoes don’t hinder their movement, foot function and natural development.”
The campaign includes a video series designed to help parents and teachers seamlessly incorporate movement into children’s daily routines, as well as practical tips and strategies for creating a movement-friendly environment in schools and at home.
For further information on Vivobarefoot, please click here.