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Work for Good blue logo

Eco-conscious children’s lifestyle store Small Stuff is partnering with Work for Good. Work for Good is an online fundraising platform that helps small businesses donate to charity through their sales.

The new partnership will enable the Sheffield-based independent to easily send profits from sales to different charities; something owner Hellen Stirling-Baker has wanted to do for some time.

Small Stuff will donate on a quarterly basis. This means every three months it will choose a different charity to send a percentage of its combined online and in-store profits to.

For Q1 (January-March 2020) Small Stuff will be donating 5% of profits to WWF UK.


Small Stuff store image


The donations will help support the global charity’s work protecting endangered animals and their habitats. It will also support WWF UK’s efforts to help restore the habitat of the millions of animals that have perished during the devastating fires in Australia.

In addition, this month will also see Small Stuff auctioning off a Banwood bike and matching helmet via secret bidding. The retailer will then send 100% of the money raised to the Australian Red Cross; supporting the humanitarian aid charity’s ongoing work to help those affected by the wildfires.

If you are a business that would like to add to the auction, please email hello@smallstuff.co.uk.



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